
What makes the ELI so different and powerful?

The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) assessment is the proprietary, research-backed assessment tool (from iPEC) that takes something abstract, like the way a person views the world, and turns it into something tangible—a metric that you can see and feel and even reevaluate in the future.

You’re probably familiar with personality tests like Myers-Briggs, DISC, and the Enneagram.

These valuable tools can help you understand your strengths, embrace your so-called weaknesses, and discover how you can work to your full potential. In that way, they typically support a “work with what you have” approach to adapting your behavior and pursuing personal excellence.

The ELI, on the other hand, is an attitudinal assessment tool that captures how an individual currently perceives and approaches work and life. With the awareness and insights gained through the ELI debrief, clients have the opportunity to reshape their attitudes and worldview and transform WHO they are.

What you are looking for you will find within yourself!

When combined with the personally-tailored Energy Leadership Index debrief, the ELI assessment will help you look closely at where (and how) you’re investing your energy, and to what effect. As a result, you’ll become aware of new areas of focus and build a plan to increase your level of satisfaction and fulfillment in work and in life. (Is there a difference between the two, really?)

As a leader, you’re likely to experience boosts in productivity, enhanced communication, and a greater sense of work/life balance. As an individual, you’re likely to experience a powerful transformation in your intimate and family relationships, feel more connected to your purpose, and enjoy a greater sense of personal freedom.

In essence, Energy Leadership will help you live and lead by example, with power, purpose, and passion.

Take the ELI assessment.

This simple online assessment takes about 20 minutes to complete.

Once the results are in, I’ll guide you through a 60-minute personalized debrief session, during which you’ll discover the percentage of each of the 7 energy levels that you typically experience under stress and also under “normal” conditions.

You’ll also discover your Average Resonating Level of energy (ARL) or E-Factor, which represents the average of all your energy levels under normal conditions and in reaction to stressful situations.

You’ll gain insights into where (and how) you’re investing your energy and discover a powerful path to reach your work and life goals—and likely, a higher E-Factor. Studies show that those with a higher E-Factor are more satisfied with all aspects of their lives and are able to engage in their activities and relationships with more energy and passion.

Take the online assessment, receive a comprehensive written report. and discuss your results in a private 60-minute debrief session with me. I’ll interpret your results and share my insights and observations with you.

Regular price, $499. Special rate available to Jessica Weaver’s inner circle- $197.

To claim your special rate, contact me by November 5th. Reference the words: MONEY QUEEN!