Welcome! I'm Gail Kreitzer, creator of the Dashboarding® method and certified professional coach. I specialize in helping my clients GET TO LESS so they feel connected to what matters MOST.


Most of us are already organized and know how to get things done. That’s not the issue. The real problem typically stems from our inability to keep up with everything that is competing for our limited time, attention, and energy. Everything feels equally important or urgent and we find ourselves operating in a highly reactive state.

My clients often describe the feeling as being similar to a bogged-down computer- “There are too many tabs open in my brain!”

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I refer to it as the "TOO MUCH” SYNDROME.

There’s too much to DO, too much to THINK ABOUT, too many CHOICES, and way too many DISTRACTIONS.

It occurs when we are experiencing bouts of overwhelm; our brains can’t rest and we rarely feel like we are living in the present moment.

To cope, we may find ourselves working harder, longer and/or faster in order to DO MORE. This strategy, while effective in the short-term, often leads to burnout and decreasing levels of fulfillment over time.

What’s getting in our way?



Escaping perpetual overload is rooted NOT in doing more, but in our mastery of GETTING TO LESS or what is ESSENTIAL.

When we GET TO LESS we are able to SEE and THINK more clearly.  But best of all, when we GET TO LESS, we create space for NEW POSSIBILITIES. Perhaps you crave a new job or career, improved health, more fulfilling relationships, more joy, or even a renewed sense of purpose in your life.

I offer a variety of services to help my clients GET TO LESS.

What would you like to create more space for?


Dashboarding® Training

One-on-One Training:

Transform the way you tackle your everyday that will save you time, energy and money. In this program, you’ll learn an intuitive framework that will help you free up your mind and prioritize your best life.

A great option for individuals who are ready to feel more in control of their busy lives.

Mindset Coaching

One-on-One Coaching:

Tap into core energy coaching to strengthen your mindset and focus on connecting your inner purpose and passion with your outer goals and strategies.  In this program, you’ll learn how to harness your energy so it works for you instead of against you.

A great option for individuals who are looking to create forward movement towards their goals.

Dashboarding® Speaking Events


Create phenomenal events with a Speaker who delivers fresh thinking on time management, productivity, work/life balance, and mindfulness.


Gail's Background

Gail Kreitzer, Dashboarding Minds

Gail Kreitzer, Dashboarding Minds

I often get asked what propelled me to become so passionate about coaching. And the truth is, I never saw it coming, but apparently, everyone else around me did.

Many years ago, while I was working part-time, caring for my family and household and basically “doing it all” our eldest daughter developed a debilitating and mysterious health condition. Suffice it to say, my busy life was thrown into overdrive. I had way too much stuff on my plate which fueled anxiety and despair. The organizational tools and strategies that had served me well for so long, were no longer cutting it. I craved a way to create the space necessary to navigate her illness AND stay connected to everything else that was important to me.

This desire to feel more in control of my busy life propelled me to develop a new approach to prioritization and time management, And in a relatively short amount of time, I went from feeling highly reactive to much more confident in my ability to succeed. I knew I had to share my secret with others!

Today I’m a Life & Leadership Coach who has helped over a thousand high-achievers declutter their minds and live with greater intention. Please contact me if you would like to set up a Discovery Chat. I’d love to hear your story.

*** Gail


I have been working on my Dashboards® for the past several hours and you have no idea how the relief is pouring out of me! I GET IT NOW! It's magical for the A+TYPE personalities!

Tara Gilvar, Founder & CEO of B.I.G.


If you are looking to bring your performance at work, at home, and in life to the next level, look no further. Gail is sure to deliver with her organizational skills, Dashboarding® method and amazing rockstar glitter!

Rachel Riebling, MSA, Accounting


I feel completely rejuvenated after your workshop! I always think things like this are a priority that never gets prioritized. What a great day for our staff.

Lisa Scheider, Supervisor of Curriculum



To a mind that is still, the whole Universe surrenders.

— Lao Tzu

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